Oberwil Forest Obstacle Course: acceleration vs deceleration

Forest Obstacle Course: acceleration vs deceleration

Our bodies need to both accelerate and decelerate. Physical activity and exercise are as central to our health as periods of regeneration and rest. Consequently, it is important to find a good balance between these two poles.
On the Forest Obstacle course, with start and finish at the Klinik Zugersee hospital (Triaplus) you can both speed your body up and slow it down.

Do you currently feel stressed and are your thoughts running round in endless circles? Then we recommend the “sporting circuit”. Lace up your shoes and get your pulse up on this circuit. This does not just train your cardiovascular system and build stamina; your physical strength, ability to concentrate and your sense of balance will also be required at all 11 stations. By the time you get to station 2, your thoughts and worries will have temporarily vanished into thin air, unless you are a whiz who can run rapidly up steps, count them and still weigh up problem-solving strategies, all at the same time! When you reach the final station, then take a little time to listen to your body.

How do your legs feel?
Are you so exhausted that you feel a slight burn in the upper thigh muscles?
Is your pulse racing? Is sweat running down your forehead?

Inhale deeply and observe how your body is slowly “powering down” into its normal condition.
Do you feel good? Somehow liberated? Enjoy this feeling and take it home with you.
If you love being in the forest and enjoy nature, then combine speed and slowness on the “leisure circuit”.

Have you already exercised today, meaning you rather need rest and relaxation? Then take the “leisure circuit” that focuses on playful experiences and reflection. Experience and enjoy the four art stations. Feel and sense the power of nature. The “leisure circuit” promises a fascinating experience with a lot of time for regeneration, alone or with your partner or family. Take the “leisure circuit” for a little time for yourself and listen to your body.

How do you feel?
Are your pulse and breathing calm and regular?
Can you feel your body’s inner peace?

Enjoy this feeling and take it home with you.

Remember that you are doing something good for your health, whichever circuit you choose!

Please observe the BAG’s hygiene and behaviour rules, even on the forest obstacle course. Keep your distance from strangers and wash your hands before and after your tour in the toilet facilities near the bistro at the start/finish.

Has the “sporting circuit” given you the appetite for doing sport outdoors, especially in the forest? Then you will find many other opportunities such as the fitness trails or mini-marathon courses in Zug Canton on our map for sports in the open air.

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