One Million Run – Switzerland runs collectively out of lockdown

One Million Run – run with us!

“Let’s run 1 million kilometres within 48 hours – together, like we never have before!”

Become part of an unprecedented sporting event: One Million Run 2020! For the event, we will all run individually, but be connected to each other virtually. Whether you walk, jog or ramble, whether in the city, the mountains or the countryside, whether you are an occasional jogger, a professional athlete or a sporty type – we will need every single individual person involved in order to reach the ambitious goal of 1 million kilometres within 48 hours.


This is how it works:

If you want to make a difference to yourself and to Switzerland, then register for One Million Run 2020 on the website and run, in the open air and observing the valid BAG rules, as many kilometres as you want to or can. The distance you run will be recorded by a mobile app. If you like, you can also use the app to get your friends and other participants to support you by sending them a selfie from your run. The digital set-up enables participation in a decentralised mass sporting event, despite the current ban on mass gatherings, and what is more, it will create a unique sense of unity in these socially distanced times.

“Everybody will run for themselves, but with the 1 million kilometres in mind, they will run with others, so becoming part of one great whole.”

There is no charge for participating, but if you like, you can give a small donation to Schweizer Nachwuchssport to support up-and-coming young athletes.

The people behind this unique and innovative mass sporting event are: Weltklasse Zürich, the international light athletics meeting; Datasport, the sports IT services provider; iRewind, the specialist in producing personalised instant videos; and Schweizer Sporthilfe.

One Million Run is supported and will be attended by numerous prominent Swiss athletes, both active and retired, such as Mujinga Kambundji, Nicola Spirig, Viktor Röthlin, Mathias Flückiger and Virginie Faivre, and was planned with the Bundesamt für Sport (BASPO) and the Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG).

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